Before you send an email to your list, run through this checklist to ensure that it is as compelling as possible.
❏ Have you gotten into the mind of you reader? Do you know what their pains and struggles are?
❏ Are you sending the email at the best possible time?
❏ Is your subject line compelling and clickable?
❏ Are you using one of the subject line formulas to ensure that people want to open your email?
❏ Does your subject line create a “pattern interrupt” for the reader?
❏ Does your preview text add to your subject line?
❏ Is your name in the “From” section?
❏ Are you A/B testing your subject lines?
❏ Do you get to the point quickly with your email?
❏ Do you address the reader with “you” or “your?”
❏ Is your email focused on benefits over features?
❏ Is your email brief?
❏ How are you delighting your readers?
❏ Do you have a compelling call to action?
❏ Is your call to action obvious and unmissable?
❏ Have you optimized your email for mobile and tested it across different platforms and devices?
❏ Have you personalized the email, both in the subject line and in the email itself?
❏ Is your email conversational?
❏ Do you focus on the reader rather than yourself?
❏ Have you segmented your list appropriately?
Want to download this checklist? Click Here!